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News — Pedicabs

Green Transportation - The Environmental Benefits of DIY Pedicabs


Pedicabs are more environmentally friendly than taxis or ride-share vehicles, while also helping to alleviate traffic congestion by taking up less road space than conventional vehicles. Just like anyone riding to work on two wheels, pedicabbers must adapt to all aspects of weather on a daily basis - this can be an advantage in pleasant conditions but an embarrassment during rainstorms or extreme cold. Eco-Friendly Pedicabs are human-powered modes of transportation that provide an environmentally friendly alternative. Pedicabs provide an enjoyable and innovative way to travel that can serve many different functions; their fun design makes them perfect for all sorts of...

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How You Can Build a 4 Wheel Bicycle Yourself

4 Wheel Bike Austin Taxi Bike Rickshaw Pedicabs

Learning how to build a 4 Wheel Bicycle is a great project for both kids and adults. Called Pedicabs, bike Rickshaw or an Austin Taxi. This article will cover some of the most popular brands on the market, including e Quadz, Carvx, Caribbean Riders, Berg Toys, and others. Regardless of which brand you choose, you're sure to find the right one for your riding needs. Here are some tips to build a bike that will last a long time. Full Build Plans are available here!! e Quadz If you're considering a new electric 4 Wheel Bicycle, the e-Quadz four-wheeler is...

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