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Loft Bed Free DIY Plans Including a Loft Bed Material List For Kids College Dorm

Loft Bed Free DIY Plans Including a Loft Bed Material List For Kids College Dorm

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Build Your OwnLoft Bed Free DIY Plans Including a Loft Bed Material List For Kids College Dorm Woodworking Furniture

These free DIY plans with a detailed Loft Bed Material List will show you how to build a stunning loft bed. A loft bed allows you so much more space for your child on their room. You can use the "under bed" room for toys or even a desk. It is so versatile.

What is a Loft Bed?
A loft bed is a space-saving bed with two levels. The upper level has a mattress, and to reach it, you need to climb a small staircase or ladder. The lower level is often left open, with no furniture or storage. Loft beds save space by being versatile and adaptable. Some feature a desk, while others have drawers and other storage space. The bottom level can be used as a study area, or for a variety of other purposes.

It's a space-saving bed
A loft bed is a space-saving bed that is raised off the floor. It uses the vertical space underneath the mattress frame for a variety of different uses. A desk and chair are a popular use, but you can also install a futon or couch to create a comfortable sitting area. Loft beds can also be used to create a small sitting area and dining area - the ideal option for a studio apartment!

Another style is the Low Loft Bed, which gives a sense of Eastern tradition to the room. This low bed can be paired with a coordinating side table. The Low Loft Bed comes in a variety of leg styles that change the appearance while maintaining structural integrity. The curved leg option is a popular choice for spaces with limited floor space, as the curved leg prevents bumping the toes.

It can be used as a study area
Creating a study area can be fun if you have a loft bed with a desk underneath it. A desk is a great way to turn a small room into an office space. All you need is a desk, some lighting, a chair, and a cabinet. Not only does this create an office space, but it also uses very little square footage. Your child can do homework in peace, and you won't have to worry about having them climb up and down on the bed.

Loft beds are another great option for students who need a place to study and do homework. Some have a desk and storage space underneath, and some have a fabric tent for playing. These can match the theme of the child's room, as well. In addition to a desk, some have an extra seating area so your child can use it for schoolwork, jigsaw puzzles, and laptops.

It can be used as storage
You don't need to have an empty space in your bedroom to use loft beds as storage. You can find a bed with drawers that conceal unwanted items. Some of these beds can even be outfitted with hammocks. These are great options for college dorm rooms. And don't forget to add a storage unit underneath the bed, too. That way, you can use it as a workspace, too!

Many loft beds come with storage space below. The lower bunk will usually have a small shelf. There may also be a desk attached, which can double as storage space. You can easily change out the mattress to a more durable material. Loft beds can also be used as storage space and can also double as storage. Although they are more expensive, they are worth the price. If you have a child, you can purchase a loft bed with a wooden desk attached.

It can be customized
If you want your child to have the bed of his or her dreams, you can customize it with some great features. For example, you can add drawer chests, a desk, and a trundle to complete the room. For teenagers, you can add a shelf or two for extra storage. You can also make the loft more interesting by changing its paint color to match the interests of your child. The possibilities are endless!

There are two types of loft beds available in the market: general and custom. The general market ones cater to the masses while custom loft beds are designed for specific clients. Most general market loft beds have a weight capacity of around 200 pounds. You can also have a loft bed customized by a manufacturer. Custom-made loft beds are more expensive and take longer to make. However, the space-saving benefits outweigh the additional costs.

All plans are designed by Ben Stone. Ben is a retired Engineer in Canada. Ben also drafts these himself using the latest AutoCAD software to ensure accuracy. He studied Engineering back in the early 1980's. After over 30 years in the Construction industry he developed a passion for building cool items around his farm and cabin. These are great DIY projects. With a little skill anybody can Do It Yourself. Ben is always a email away if you have any questions while building one of his projects. He is adding new plans all the time.

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