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How to Build Bass Guitars Using a Free Bass Guitar Build Kit

Bass guitars

Whether you're just beginning to build bass guitars or you're already an experienced builder, you should consider using a Bass Guitar Build Kit. Firstly, you need to make sure that you have the right tools. Next, you should get a good idea of what your instrument needs. Finally, you should be prepared to make the proper adjustments to your bass.

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Hollowing out the body

Choosing a body type of your Bass Guitar Build Kit can have a big effect on the tone. Both solid and hollow bodies are capable of producing a wide variety of tones. However, there are some distinct advantages to each.

Hollow body guitars have a rich, warm tone. They also tend to produce more sustain than solid-body guitars. However, hollow-body guitars are susceptible to feedback when turned up too loud.

Hollow bodies also tend to sound better unplugged. This is because the resonating chamber is similar to an acoustic guitar. In addition, they can be used to create effects. However, the lack of a resonant chamber means that secondary harmonics fade away quickly. This means that they are best suited for low-mid and bass frequencies.

Hollow bodies can also be amplified. However, this is not as easy as it sounds. Fortunately, there are three methods to combat this.

One of the methods involves routing large cavities across the body. Another method involves re-routing pickup holes. Finally, a method involves gluing on a cap.

In addition, some guitars are hollowed out in only a small area. These guitars are known as semi-hollow. The resulting tone is not as full as a true hollow body. However, they are easier to play and are lighter than solid-body bass guitars.

Neck through

Having a bass guitar with a neck through design can add to its overall rigidity. These guitars also have the added benefit of allowing for easier access to the higher frets.

While there are many advantages to this type of guitar, there are also several downsides. Aside from the fact that a neck through design can be more difficult to repair, it also makes it harder to mass produce. These guitars are more expensive and require more attention.

The main advantage of a neck through guitar is its overall rigidity. It is built around a long neck that extends through the body. The neck can be made of a single piece of wood, or it can be made of several long pieces that are glued together lengthwise.

A neck through guitar can also have a headstock and frets. The neck is generally made from a piece of wood that is laminated with other woods. The pickups will be housed in the wood, which transfers the sound to an amplifier.

The neck through design is also prone to warpage. This can be avoided by using a humidifier to keep the wood in good condition.

Neck through guitars can also have a better sustain. This can be due to the fact that the density of the wood is higher. The resulting vibrations are absorbed along the grain of the wood.


Whether you are building your own bass guitar or buying a ready-made instrument, it is important to know the proper way to build a fretboard. A good bass neck should have an abundant amount of wood structure and should not be thinned too much. The neck should also have a volute under the nut.

The first step in building a bass guitar neck is to measure the distance between the neck and the body. You can do this by using a precise metal ruler. Then, measure the gap between the nut and the top of the frets. The gap will depend on your style of playing. You may need to deepen the nut slot if you are not using a deep fretboard.

A bass neck can be made from maple or rosewood. Maple is usually used in guitar necks due to its dense and strong properties. Rosewood, however, has a sexy grain pattern and is known for its beautiful sonic qualities.

A bass neck should be thick enough at the 12th fret to allow for string spacing at the nut. It should be no less than 23mm thick.

A bass guitar neck should have a deep nut slot. A deeper slot will allow for less string pulling and will result in less string tension. The slot should be angled downwards. It should also point back toward the headstock.


Depending on the type of bass you play, you may need to adjust your saddles. Even if you are experienced, it is important to be careful when doing these adjustments. If you haven't done it before, it is highly recommended to seek professional help.

Saddles are thin pieces of bone or plastic, attached to the back of the bridge. They can be adjusted using Allen or Phillips screws. Typically, a saddle will run between 70 and 75 mm long.

The saddle's purpose is to space strings away from the body, allowing for correct intonation. If the strings are not spaced properly, they can contact each other and cause buzzing. In addition, there may be uneven intonation due to the placement of the frets. If the strings are spaced too far apart, you may have to adjust the saddles.

A bass bridge saddle is responsible for correct vibration. Typically, the break angle of the strings is steeper than the top-loading bridge. This can cause problems with return. Changing strings can also cause the saddles to move.

Before making any adjustments, check the height of the bass guitar strings. This can vary depending on your playing style, the thickness of the strings, and the style of bass.

Fret placement

Depending on your taste, you might want to use a different fret placement for bass guitars than you might have on your electric guitar. This is because a bass guitar string will be longer than an electric string. This longer string will make it easier to play lower pitched notes. It will also allow for a better range of tuning and intonation.

To calculate the fret placement for your bass, you will need to know the scale length of your guitar. This can be calculated by using the 12th root of two. This is also known as the Rule of 18. This was used in the early days of instruments, but has since been replaced by a more accurate method.

The number of frets on your bass is usually 21, 22 or 24. You may want to go with more frets to get more notes out of each string. If you do this, you can adjust the action of the bass guitar so that each string will be a comfortable length.

The number of frets is not all that important for a beginner. But if you are a soloist, you may find that the upper frets are useful.

Adjusting the relief in the neck

Getting the relief in the neck of a bass guitar right is very important. It can affect how your strings work. It can also help prevent buzzing in the first and second position. It can be tricky to get the neck relief right, though.

The most common way to get the relief in the neck of a bass guitar right is to use a feeler gauge. You can also use a tape measure. If your neck relief is off, you may need to change the string gauge. The heavier the string gauge, the more pull it will exert on the neck.

In addition to a feeler gauge, you can use a string action ruler. You should set it behind the sixth string to measure the distance from the fret to the string. You should have about a half-inch gap. If there is more than a 3/32" gap, your neck has too much relief.

Another way to measure the relief in the neck of a bass guitar is to put a capo on the first fret. You can then hold the last fret with your picking hand. You should be able to feel a touch of light coming through. This will tell you if the curve is too much or too little.

Tuning the bass

Keeping your bass guitar in tune is very important. It is a big part of the music genre, and if it's not tuned properly, it can make the rest of your band sound muddy.

A bass guitar has four strings. The lowest two are tuned to E and D, while the higher two are tuned to G. Bass strings are heavier than guitar strings, so they stay in tune easier.

To tune your bass guitar, you can use a tuning device, or you can tune by ear. The former is best for beginners and for situations where other methods aren't available.

Tuning the bass guitar by ear can be tricky, but you can train your ear to notice bass notes. Practice by pressing the strings harder, which will increase the accuracy of your plucking. If you're not sure, you can use a clip-on electric tuner to make sure your bass guitar is in tune.

Some bass guitar tuner apps are available for your mobile device. These apps use a built-in microphone to help you tune your bass. The app will display your in tune status, so you can compare notes to see if you're in tune.

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