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How to Build Your Own Gold Trommels yourself


No matter your level of gold mining expertise, building your own gold trommels is an effective way to increase productivity. These machines are versatile and straightforward to construct, making them the ideal solution for all of your gold mining requirements. DIY gold trommels are efficient pieces of equipment, capable of processing various materials and recovering more gold per hour. Here are a few things to take into account before investing in one:

How to Make a Gold Trommel

Trommels are a popular choice among alluvial gold miners due to their ease of operation, durability, and portability. Furthermore, they help screen larger amounts of dirt and rock faster than using conventional gold pans can do. Trommel screens material by rotating its drum. As particles of various sizes pass through it, their mesh will separate and allow smaller ones to pass through. Some trommels are designed specifically for gold mining, while others are used to screen other materials. Before selecting one for your mining operation, make sure it can handle whatever dirt or rocks you plan on processing.

Trommels come in a range of sizes and purposes, so the type that best fits your needs should be taken into consideration. For instance, some trommels are designed for fine gold recovery while others process coarser dirt. These differences in design can significantly impact how well a trommel works and how much gold you will recover.

For gold mining, you might want to take a look at the Ben Stone's Trommel design. This lightweight version of reverse helix trommels is popular among major placer mining companies. This trommel has spiral riffles that rotate inside the tube, pulling heavier materials up towards the high end and leaving lighter ones at the low end as tailings. This system works efficiently and makes the trommel completely self-cleaning.

Trommels offer more affordability and ease of use compared to sluice boxes, being versatile enough for various deposits. You can even construct a trommel that fits directly on top of your Gold Cube! This is an excellent option if you're just starting out, as it will save both money and time. These trommels come with an adapter plate to attach it to your Gold Cube, as well as an angle adjustment bar. Plus, it's self-jigging for easy installation - plus, it runs off a 12 volt car battery!


Trommels are an invaluable tool for gold prospectors, whether they work independently or as part of a larger commercial mining operation. These machines work by sorting through larger rocks and boulders containing gold to allow the smaller material to fall through into a sluice box or other processing system. Trommels can be configured with various settings to maximize efficiency, such as drum speed, angle, hopper speed and screens. All these factors contribute to performance; so it is recommended that these be adjusted regularly for best results.

To construct a gold trommels, you'll need the necessary equipment and materials. These can be purchased at any home improvement store or online through Amazon. Trommels are primarily composed of a rotating drum made of screen material that spins continuously. This allows smaller gravel and fines to fall through into sluices or other gold processing devices, while larger rocks will pass through and discharge out the back. These systems are widely employed in gold mining operations and serve to separate larger rocks from finer dirt and debris containing gold. Furthermore, they're easy to operate and can be integrated into any wash plant setup with ease.

For optimal efficiency, the trommel can be adjusted by decreasing its drum speed, increasing its angle and adding screens of various sizes. Depending on what material you're trying to separate out, these four factors will have an immense effect on how much gold can be recovered.


Trommels are machines used for sorting and classifying solid materials like dirt, sand, rocks, and other similar substances. They're portable and easy to operate; made out of durable materials so they will last. Trommels can be employed by one or two prospectors as well as large commercial mining operations. Trommel screens come in a range of styles and designs. Some feature an inclined screen cloth segment while others use spiral whole drum designs. The most common option is the inclined design which offers greater control over material flow through the screening drum and thus improves screening quality, though at a cost that cannot be replaced if damaged.

Most trommels also feature a stacking conveyor system that can be connected to the machine, allowing fine material to fall out of the drum screen while larger materials remain inside. This feature comes in handy when creating piles of material before transporting either just the trommel or its entire setup to another location. Trommel screens are robust mechanical separating sieves used inside drums. They can be constructed out of metal, plastic or other materials and designed to withstand a range of conditions.

Trommel screens can be used not only to separate out solid matter, but they can also be used to wash and scrub waste materials. They come equipped with a scrubbing bar that fits into the top of the drum and works to remove debris from materials being screened. Enhancing screening quality by adding a brush to the top of the trommel can be beneficial. A stiff-bristled brush will keep mesh clean as it rotates around in the drum.

These brushes can be purchased separately or come included with the machine. It's essential to invest in a high-quality brush for this task as it will be exposed to heavy use over time. Trommel screens typically made from metal are more durable and resistant to damage than plastic, plus they're much lighter in weight compared to other materials. This factor becomes especially crucial if you plan on transporting the machine around a lot.


Trommels are an efficient and effective way to sort material. They come in all sizes, making them suitable for individual prospectors as well as large commercial mining operations. These machines work by rotating a drum with an attached screen that allows fine material to pass through while retaining larger materials. This method has proven highly successful at separating dirt, rock, and sand from gold-bearing substrates.

Trommel screens come in many designs, from whole drum to spiral trommel models. While most trommel screens are used for sorting wet feed materials like compost, soil, and greenwaste, they may also be utilized for dry feed applications. When selecting a trommel screen for screening materials, the size is critical. A screen that's too small won't be able to catch smaller particles and won't be able to sort them correctly; thus, opt for a model approximately 4 feet long. A trommels can also be equipped with brushes that keep the screen cloth free of debris. Doing this helps prevent it from becoming clogged with material and ensures its maximum effectiveness.

Finally, it is essential that an adequate supply of water be available for the trommel. A water recirculation system is necessary not only to help ensure efficient operation of the trommel but also keep any leaves or other materials that could clog it from getting in the way during operations. Additionally, investing in a trommel sluice box to recover any gold that has been dumped into it is recommended. This will enable you to separate heavier sands from lighter ones and ensure all gold is recovered properly.

Depending on the type of trommel you build, it may be necessary to install additional equipment like a pulverizer. These devices crush rocks, stones and other materials into smaller pieces so they can be fed into the trommel for sorting. Doing this helps maximize production rate and get the most from your investment in a trommel.

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