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HAM Radio Operators Using a Crank up Tower

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Often times we overlook the simple technologies we have in our lives, taking them for granted — until the day hits and they no longer work. When technologies fail chaos can ensue creating panic, disarray and worst of all, fear. Fear is provoked by uncertainty, the unknowing of what is happening, how to help or how to fix what is currently going on.

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In an emergency, people believe that cell phones are going to not only going to provide proper communications with loved ones, but will help communicate to police, fire and medical staff if needed. The problem with this thinking however, is when the cellblocks become overloaded with like-minded individuals. The tower becomes overloaded and the result is a devastating crash. The networks that once worked, stop working all together.

This is where amateur radio operators Using a Crank up Tower come to the rescue. The amateur radio network consists of thousands of people from all lifestyles. They are the doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers, mechanics, students or even children of the world. An amateur operator also goes by the name of a HAM radio operator, and they are generally the only forms of communication in the event of an emergency.

HAM operators often install a Crank up Tower on their property, which transmits a radio frequency (similar to both radio stations and CB radio) without the ability to broadcast or sell any type of products. They enjoy logging into the various corners of the world and becoming friends with others — some over thousands of miles away.

A HAM operator is a licensed individual, taking a test before they can ever sign on, that enjoys electronics. There are some that have actually created their own towers and radios from scratch, taking electronic tinkering to a whole new understanding.

Unlike traditional radio towers, HAM operators are generally on a different frequency, without all the commercial equipment a normal “station” would carry. This means, in an emergency when the large stations become down, the HAM operators are still able to carry on and reach around the world through their equipment. Because the radios are generally much smaller than commercial stations, they can be powered with much less energy (often times a car battery or motorcycle battery can bring them to life,) providing an excellent means of communication in a devastating situation.

HAM radio operators are not only great in emergencies, but for those wanting to reach a new global means of communication. They have been known to chat with fellow operators in the space station, discover how the weather is in China or even learn how to speak Portuguese with a friend they’ve made in Brazil. Many of these operators also operate on a family environment mentality, meaning unlike the CB radio, you don’t have to cover your children’s ears if they enter the room.

From helping a town in an emergency to discovering a new corner of the globe, HAM operators love to do it. They are often the first to aid in a chaotic situation, and often the first to help a fellow HAM learn the trade. HAM radio operators often help communities remove that fear, hopelessness and chaos in a pandemic or crisis — and as long as the radio waves stay open, they will continue to do it for years to come. 

Written by Ben Stone
Tower expert and co-owner of tilttower.com

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